You're now Premium subscriber of Sunnah Infographics!

As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmutallahi Wa Barakaatahu,


You are now a Premium Subscriber to Sunnah Infographics Community! This is a really, really special place to be. Why? Because number 1.

Your special.

Number 2.

You want to learn in bite sizes portions.

And 3.

You want to become a better person and a better Muslim in this world. We will help you on this journey, and we will be your comfort for everything going on around you. Insha Allah.

Here’s what to expect:

You will soon receive your first resource of the month, titled the “40 Hadith of Ramadhan”, which has been designed to prepare you for Ramadhan. Allow you to get the soul, body and mind ready for this blessed month. Exactly 14 days into each month you will receive an interactive quiz with questions and games based on the resource, to help you practice what you have learnt. As teachers and educators, it’s about how you learn best. And with authentic interactive learning in bite sized portions, regularly and consistently. You will be the results Insha Allah. With all this year’s resources custom designed by The Sunnah Infographics Team.

You’re in for a real treat!

In the meantime, follow us on Pinterest, Instagram & Twitter. It’s a blessing to have you with us!

Welcome on Board the Ark!

- Sunnah Infographics Team

P.S. We'll be in your inbox every day Monday through Friday. If you can't find us, check your spam. We might be hidin' in there with the rest of the brands.